Can children under 6 also play with STEM toys?

Can children under 6 also play with STEM toys?


news beifa group

STEM is a general term for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics education. In order to cultivate children to use and understand knowledge; Expression and implementation; Design and creation; Ability to observe and solve problems. In terms of the general understanding and implementation of STEM, it is not relevant to children under 6 years old, and parents are also at a loss in education. In fact, there are many different toys and games on the market that can lay a foundation for STEM concepts and influence children’s later growth and learning.



STEM toys train children’s four major elements: observation, imagination and creativity, expression ability, and problem-solving ability.



Toys containing STEM elements for children: open construction toys, logical assembling toys, imitative arrangement toys, including scientific principles toys.



Science and technology innovation industry is the general trend of society, and it is the only choice to cultivate children with STEM education as the foundation of learning. In an era of rapid technological change, STEM is a required course for children and parents. Cultivating children can also teach parents a lesson in creative thinking.